Welcome to our first Headteacher’s blog! I shall be giving you an insight in to what we are doing as a school each half-term, either by a video or a blog! So… here goes the first one, I hope you enjoy it.

The start of this academic year has been filled with the happy faces of our Year 7 students dressed in their new uniform. The feedback we have received from parents has been overwhelming. Thank you for supporting the new changes to help us grow 91制片厂 into the outstanding school you, as a community, deserve.

Our Year 7 students have had a great couple of weeks settling into their new environment and even enjoyed a Team Building Day, with Mrs Darling at the front of the competition showing off the PE teacher in her! Our students also have Languages Day to enjoy this week, where they get to experience the different cultures of the world.

Our students are settling back into the routine of school life well with their new Heads of Year: Mrs Darling (Y7), Mr Taylor (Y8), Mrs Figiel (Y9 and Y10), and Mrs Salt (Y11).

We have lots of trips taking place this half term: Year 8 will embark on a trip to Jodrell Bank in a couple of weeks to learn about the other planets in our solar system and Year 10 will visit the theatre to watch ‘An Inspector Calls’. Some of our Year 12 students have been given the opportunity to visit Innospec Laboratory to assist them on their new courses they have chosen to study here at our Congleton Sixth Form College.

Our Open Evening is taking place from 4-7pm on Thursday 26th September for Year 5 and 6 students, we do hope to see you there. Please follow this link to confirm attendance: . We love having our local Primary Schools visit their potential next step in education. Last week we welcomed Year 6 students from multiple schools to enjoy our ‘Cultural Diversity Day’ this included cultural dancing and drumming. We love holding this cultural event at CHS as our students also get to see the different cultures from across the world.

There are lots of opportunities at 91制片厂 for all of our students to take part in, whether that’s extracurricular activities, our Student Parliament or being a House Captain. We take pride in offering these opportunities to our students to help them be the best version of themselves once they leave our school in Year 11. Congleton Sixth Form College offers a range of courses from vocational courses to A Levels and on our Sixth Form Open Evening you can have a real feel of the College experience, please come and visit us on Thursday 14th November.

Thank you for taking the time to read my first blog.


Heidi Thurland